Speakers bureau

Speakers Bureau

The following speakers are available to present to groups (members or non-members) who wish to learn more about the topic.  Please contact the speaker to set up a date, time and location.

It Only Takes a Spark

Ideas on how we can make our new Members feel welcome after their Initiation, and how we can take care of all our Members, how to keep them interested – and keep them coming back. How to receive a Rob Morris jewel or bar. Work with our Masonic Brothers to gain a better relationship.

District 1 Urania | Email |Sandy Zikursh (440) 257-5798

Service Dogs


District 18 Olivet | Email |Sue Flora (937) 216-0679


Dyslexia Centers


District 19 Dayton-Victory | Email |Barbara Pelfrey-Hillman, PGM (937) 231-7345


Eastern Star Home

“Your Home, 65 years & growing, movin’ on, the best is yet to come.” Presentation by CEO or Trustee of OES Home, Mt. Vernon.

District 12 Mt. Vernon | Email |Michele Engelbach, CEO (740) 397-1706 x2000

Regenerative What???

Curious about this Project? Tired of just sitting around and really wanting to make a difference? How about teaming up to raise money for Stem Cell Research (using your own body parts) with a focus on soldiers that have been injured on the battlefield? Let’s talk about: WFIRM + OES = IMAGINE.

REGENERATIVE MEDICINE: Finally bringing OES into the 21st Century with this amazing GGC project. ON OUR WAY TO $100K!

District 18 Mt. Sterling | Email |Peg Reiterman, PGM (740) 505-2513

ESTARL and Your Chapter

ESTARL is too significant a light to keep hidden in our local communities. EACH Chapter has an opportunity to sponsor a student who is going to seminary to prepare for full-time religious service. As an ESTARL recipient, I will share the history of ESTARL, provide ideas and suggestions and/or actually help you find an ESTARL student for your Chapter to sponsor.

District 13 Legacy | EmailRev. Amy Shaw, PM (330) 309-6114

The Lessons of Our Star Points

A new perspective on Star Points – a costumed portrayal of Adah and Ruth, or a look at Martha, by her not so conventional sister Mary. Also available, a brief history of how our Ritual came to be and what the Star Points teach us. A great way to introduce our Order to non-members or to renew our own understanding.

District 1 Urania | Email | Sandy Zikursh (440) 257-5798

Ohio Masonic Home – Resource Center

Who we are, who we serve and services we provide. Partnering with you to help you live how you want, where you want.

District 4 Ashland | Samantha Loy, Director, Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center (937) 504-4407